I wanted to thank all of you for following and reading this blog. It really helps keep me going to know that there are others out there that find this topic important.
I have some big things going on in the next couple of months, so I might not have as much time to blog as I used to, but I hope that all of you stay with me through this time. I would also like to open this up as a time when it would be wonderful to have some guest bloggers on this site. If you have your own website or blog about scams, fraud or consumer protection issues and would like to share what you do and why you do it with the Scam Victims United readers, that would be great. Or if there is a specific topic, like medical fraud or credit card scams that you would like to focus on that would also be something we could share here.
Fae Schrinzi -- jbtarrakl@outlook.com
5 years ago
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